8.5.2015 - 23Uhr - Doctore Xyramat

23:00 – 01:00: A Special with my guests – Frauenmusikzentrum Hamburg (frauenmusikzentrum.de) - later an interview with Radio Continental Drift and sounds/music of the project „Sonic Cross-Cultural Exchanges” (soundcloud.com/radio-continental-drift) and some more wonderful tracks of female artists - 01:00 – 12:00 Mixes: Chica Paula, Barb Nerdy, Kat Kat Tat, Kate Maerz, Neybuu, Xenia Beliayeva, Silva Rymd, Niki Matita, The Drop DJ, Io Casino, Claudia Wegener: Die Reise mit den Ohren, Shannon Soundquist, Xyramats mix of recordings with women in arts, culture and media from Zambia and Zimbabwe

You are welcome to listen and please check: soundcloud.com/xyramat, femalepressure.net for further informations and websites and facebook.com/database.hh?fref=ts


You will get the final playlist next week or check fsk-hh.org: Playlist – Doctore Xyramat

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