12.12.2014 ab 23 Uhr Doctore Xyramat

23:00 – 01:00 Tracks: The Project of Anna Stereopoulou „circe: the black cut” - The Album: Vuelo Libre; Alcalica, Cooly G, CMD, Rona Geffen, Donna Maya, DJ Marcelle, Kritzkom, Tujiko Noriko, Strike, DJ Lady Maru

01:00 - 12:00 Mixes: Eva Gallo. Ellen Allien, Gea Brown, rRoxymore, Anna Adamz, BarbNerdy, Dependance and Antja Meichsner: Zerrspiegel

You are welcome to listen and please check: soundcloud.com/xyramat and femalepressure.net for further informations and websites

You will get the final playlist next week or check fsk-hh.org: Playlist – Doctore Xyramat

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