9.5.2014 ab 23:00: Doctore Xyramat

Doctore Xyramat at FSK/Hamburg … livestream: www.fsk-hh.org

May 9th, 23:00 (Start Time) --- thirteen hours with music of female artists:
23:00 – 01:00 Tracks of Xyramat, The D. Heidrun Schramm, Da Cruz, Rebecca Brandt, Vinilette, Io Casino, Wild Kat, Empty Taxi, Kyoka, Allison Chanic, Jennifer Eberhardt, Shiny Shiny Band, Kung Fused, Lila D., Shampoo Boy, Cindy Talk

01:00 -12:00 Mixes: Annabolena, Miss Sunshine, Erika, Sharon Schael, Michelle Manetti, Mila Stern, Rykslyd, Kyoka, Ikonika, Lapkat

You are welcome to listen and please check: soundcloud.com/xyramat and femalepressure.net for further informations and websites

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