Xyramat/Stadtfisch - Die Rote Frauenarmee - xyramat.bandcamp.com
@ c – reduction/reflection - cronica.bandcamp.com/album/three-body-problem
Vivian Goldman - Her Story - viviengoldman.com
Emma Russack - Without holding on - spunk.com.au/artists/emma-russack
Alisu - lo que quedo del verano - modismo.cl
Building Instrument – Collage - Hubromusic.com
Resina - June - fat-cat.co.uk/release/eleven-into-fifteen-a-130701-compilation
Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch – Alethia - fat-cat.co.uk/release/eleven-into-fifteen-a-130701-compilation
Io Casino – Beerdigung - iocasino.net
Playlist - Doctore Xyramat -12.8.2016
12.8. 2016, 17 - 19 Uhr - Doctore Xyramat
Musik von Frauen für Menschen
10.6. ab 23 Uhr - Doctore Xyramat
Thirteen hours with music of female artists.
23:00 - 1:00 Tracks
1:00 - 12:00 Mixes
You are welcome to listen and please check: soundcloud.com/xyramat, femalepressure.net for further informations.
Playlist, Doctore Xyramat - 13.5.2016
Tracks and Live:
Xyramat/Stadtfisch - Die Rote Frauenarmee - bandcamp.com/xyramat
Rojava - FP - NorientMix by AGF - antyegreie.com
Xyramat/Sylvia - Live Improvisation
YTAMO - Hamon - emporium.room40.org
Andi Otto - Bangalore Whispers - andiotto.com
Fatima Al Qadiri - Breach - hyperdub.net
YTAMO- Human Ocean - emporium.room40.org
Fatima Al Qadiri - Curfew - hyperdub.net
Ipek Gorgun - Bloodbenders - ipekgorgun.com
Anna Stereopoulou - CanShell by - annastereopoulou.gr
Cio D' Or - yocta (sounds)- semanticarecords.bandcamp.com
13.5., ab 23 Uhr - Doctore Xyramat
13 Stunden mit Musik von weiblichen Künstlern. Von 23 Uhr bis 1:00 Uhr Tracks und ein Gast: Sylvia (Raumstation/Linker Laden). Es gibt neben Tracks eine Improvisation, eine Liveperformancee von Sylvia und Xyramat.
Schaltet ein, draußen wird Euch voraussichtlich kalt sein.
fsk-hh.org - Doctore Xyramat
finetunes.net - xyramat
bandcamp.com - u.a. Die Rote Frauenarmee
und you tube .....
Playlist, Doctore Xyramat - 12.2.2016
Tracks - 23:00 - 01:00
Keda: Dali, parenthesesrecords.bandcamp.com/album/hwal
David Bowie: Blackstar
Fake Mistress: My Body s a Weapon, fakemistress.bandcamp.com
Maja Osojnik: You might be inherently a part of the problem,mo.klingt.org
Jean Reiki: We have Experiments,soundcloud.com/jeanreiki
Owl Rave: Fright Car,interstellarrecords.at owlrave.bandcamp.com
Ipek: Tamara - Ibrahim Keivo & Osnabrucker Jugendchor Erbil-North Kurdistan Iraq, soundcloud.com/search/sounds?q=Erbil%2C Ipek
Jean Reiki: Swich In and Out, soundcloud.com/jeanreiki
12.2.2016 - Doctore Xyramat - ab 23 Uhr
Thirteen hours with music of female artists.
You are welcome to listen and please check: soundcloud.com/xyramat, femalepressure.net for further informations.
You will get the final playlist next week or check
Playlist, Doctore Xyramat, 8.1.2016
The first two hours: Circe: The Black Cut:Project
3bc & Asymmetroie Faroi, Bhramani Devi, sevenmoons.bandcamp.com/album/vox-ref-025
Joe Beedles, Buzarre, sevenmoons.bandcamp.com/album/vox-ref-025
Heidi Mortenson, Andrea's Bees, sevenmoons.bandcamp.com/album/vox-ref-025
Dixie Treichel, Dreaming within, sevenmoons.bandcamp.com/album/vox-ref-025
Sirpa Jokinen, Rosemary's Women, sevenmoons.bandcamp.com/album/vox-ref-025
Inga van den Kronenberg, Colonial Hangover/coming to a boil, sevenmoons.bandcamp.com/album/vox-ref-025
Playlist - Doctore Xyramat - 13.11.2015
23.00 – 1.00 – Tracks:
The Island Band - The Ocean is Singing - hubromusic.com
The Schwarzenbach - Zarte Blüte Hass - staubgold.com
Okzharp - Dear Ribane feat Manthe - hyperdub.net
Tuna Pase - Birthday Blues - tunapase.com
AGF - Ito Noe - agf-poemproducer.bandcamp.com/album/a-deep-mysterious-tone
Chrissie -Time goes more Slowly - music.chrissieviolin.info/album/places-traces
Lilly Joel - Blue Algae - subrosa.net
The Island Band - The Shore Waves in the Morning - hubromusic.com
Sci Fi Sol - Twist Her - scifisol.bandcamp.com/album/every-part-of-u
13.11.2015 - 23 Uhr - Doctore Xyramat
23:00 – 01:00: Tracks: Okzharp, Pris Wayland, The Schwarzenbach, Tellavision, AGF, Chrissie, Monya, Rebekah, The Island Band, Lilly Joel, Niet!, Sci Fi Sol, Tuna Pase, Leah King, Sha Sha Kimbo, Rona Geffen
01:00 – 12:00 Mixes: Yes Africa/ Radio Hamm,Anna Bolena, Dorothy Parker, Rebekah, Softcoresoft, Niki Matita, Nika, Zerrspiegel/AGF, Loose Cuts, Expatriarch Radio/68
You are welcome to listen and please check: soundcloud.com/xyramat, femalepressure.net for further informations
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- hi carlos, vielen dank fürnMaCh
- Hallo FSK! Danke für dieCarlos de Obaldia (nicht überprüft)
- Hi Johann! Hier findest DunMaCh
- Juhu, wie heißt das tolleJohann (nicht überprüft)
- Hi Stefan! danke für DeinnMaCh