2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI ( Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 24 August 2014 with special guest: JACK HERTZ / Theme: "OSCILLATOR ORGASM..."
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI ( Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 10 August 2014 with special guest: TOM DJLL / Theme: "CRITTERS..
Neuheiten und altbewährtes aus den bereich industrial, ambient/drone, elektro-akustik, gitarrenlärm, noise, inprovisation, ethno und neuer klassik. Eine sendung mit tbc.
Kontakt: wp666 [at] gmx [dot] de
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI ( Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 20 July 2014 with special guests: SHEILA BOSCO and MARK PINO / theme: BUGS FEEDING ON THE CORPSE OF EMPIRE.
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the
folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI (
Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 13 July 2014
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI (
Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 29 June 2014 with special guest: MATT DAVIGNON / Theme: "CLASSIC ROCK RADIO"
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI ( Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 15 June 2014 with GREGORY SCHARPEN / Theme: "The BIG ELECTRIC KITE Orchestra".
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI ( Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 8 June 2014 with bigcityorchestra / Theme: "FAVORITE DRONES and TONES".
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the
folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI (
Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 4 May
2014 / with Big City Orchestra / THEME: "....the awkward zone...."
2-hours of live experimental/electronic/noise/collage/improv by the
folks who bring you Big City Orchestrae & UBUIBI (
Netcast on DFM Radio Television International (, 13 April 2014
/ Special Guest: OTIS FODDER / Theme: "Harmony at the End of the World: A Celebration of Ambient Darkness"
Online hören
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- die ganze platte: Simon Whetham - Successive Actions/Cronica (di, 03.12.24, 13-14 uhr)
- Jetzt online: TM12240125 - Der Doppel-Transmitter zum Jahreswechsel.
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- Reizüberflutung - Adventurous Music Special || Samstag, 23.11.
- hi carlos, vielen dank fürnMaCh
- Hallo FSK! Danke für dieCarlos de Obaldia (nicht überprüft)
- Hi Johann! Hier findest DunMaCh
- Juhu, wie heißt das tolleJohann (nicht überprüft)
- Hi Stefan! danke für DeinnMaCh