Difficult Music for Difficult People

Difficult Music : RDK Island Special (Monday \ 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)

And this tattooing had been the work of a departed prophet and seer of his island, who, by those hieroglyphic marks, had written out on his body a complete theory of the heavens and the earth, and a mystical treatise on the art of attaining truth: Today's guests are from Cologne and run the DIY label RDK Island. They will introduce their label and do a live DJ-set. Maybe we will drink Kölsch beer and talk about living on an island in the west.

Difficult Music For Difficult People (Monday \ 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)

Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise: Low, Aidan Baker & Simon Goff & Thor Harris, Basic House & Wanda Group, Jlin, Klara Lewis & Simon Fisher Turner, Flame 1, Yves Tumor and Saturn and the Sun.
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FSK-Workshop #1 – Öffentlichkeit und »freies Radio« (21.09.18 | 19:30 | FSK)

Von 16–17 Uhr gibt es heute (Freitag, 21. September 2018) im Nachmittagsmagazin für subversive Unternehmungen eine Vorschau auf den ersten FSK-Workshop, zu dem Ihr heute Abend alle herzlich eingeladen seid.
FSK-Workshop #1
Einladung zu einem ersten Workshop im Freien Sender Kombinat
Freitag, 21. September 2018, 19:30 Uhr, FSK

Difficult Music For Difficult People (Monday \ 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)

He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place!" Krzysztof Penderecki, Chafik Chennouf & Katsunori Sawa, Monotronique, Of Habit & Dane Law, Tintin Patrone, David Wallraf, Kammerflimmer Kollektief, AGF & Lydia Kavina and Andrzej Panufnik.
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Live stream:
Past episodes on Mixcloud:

Difficult Music For Difficult People (Monday \ 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)

Doubting, unsettling and turning around. Wondering what will come next: Animal Collective, Rodion Levin, Konstrukt + Keiji Haino, Nicolas Wiese, R.A.N., Caterina Barbieri, Aphex Twin, Razen and Some Truths.
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8. September 2018 @ Vorland
Brutal Blues & Muttakuchen & David Wallraff
8.–9. September @ Galerie Gemüse
Planeten und Arschlöcher
Meiers+Levin Ausstellung

Das spekulative Ohr \ The Speculative Ear : Gustav Mahler #3 (20. August 2018)

Klassik und Neue Musik : Ein monatliches Special von Difficult Music.
In dieser Folge: Gustav Mahler # 3

Jeden dritten Montag im Monat stellt Difficult Music Klassische und Neue Musik vor. In der heutigen Stunde wird das Portraits des österreichischen Komponisten Gustav Mahler an der Schwelle zwischen Spätromantik und Moderne vollendet.

Difficult Music : Guiguisuisui & Emerge Live

Today's guest at Difficult Music are:

Difficult Music For Difficult People (Monday \ 5-7 pm MEZ / 4-6 pm GMT)

Summer's almost gone: Ocean Floor, F#X, Don't DJ, Breaklab, Saturn And The Sun and Helena Hauff.
Das Hamburger VIS-Label
Support DIY!
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Past episodes on Mixcloud:

Das spekulative Ohr : Gustav Mahler #2 (17. Juli 2018)

Das spekulative Ohr
Klassik und Neue Musik : Ein monatliches Special von Difficult Music
Di., 17.7.2018, 10–11 Uhr
In dieser Folge: Gustav Mahler #2
Jeden dritten Montag im Monat stellt Difficult Music Klassische und Neue Musik vor. In der heutigen Stunde wird das Portrait des österreichischen Komponisten Gustav Mahler (1860–1911) an der Schwelle zwischen Spätromantik und Moderne fortgesetzt.

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