- Artist - Track
- Whitey - Do the nothing
- Hauschka - Heimat
- Lindström - Grand ideas
- Metronomy - The end of U2
- Erobique - Arf Patzo
- Stimming - Getting out of something
- Divide + Kreate - Until it talks
- DJ Le Clownv - Gimme what your waiting for
- Bobby Martini - Killer Client
- Illuminoids - Funplex Pleasure Control
- Negative Land - Michael Jackson
- Test Icicles - Circle Square Triangle
- DAT Politics - Ja Hoo tuning
- Animal Collective - My girls
- Subwhan Knight - Collaboration Alpha
- Gadgets - Welcome to Belleville
- Beroshima - www
- Alex Smoke - Sortie
- Gang Gang Dance - House Jam
- Mr. Oizo - Nazi
- Black Strobe - Nazi Trance Fuck off
- Napalm Death - Nazi Punks Fuck off
- Hostal Service - Such great highs
- Men recovery project - They found my naked body by the river
- Egyptian lover - Do your thang
- Discodein - Homocompatible
- Claudja Barry - Love for the sake of love
- Gravediggaz - 1-800-Suicide
- I am robot and proud - Uphill city
- Lulu Rouge - Bless you
Playlist 12.02.2009
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- Höre gerade die Sendung -vs (nicht überprüft)
- moin, da hat jemand etwasUnknown (nicht überprüft)
- hi! danke für's feedback!nMaCh
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