FemMale/The Female Pressure Radio Show - 10.8. und 12.8.2011

10.8.2011 - Tracks:

No. 6 - Xyramat - Yacikaa - finetunes
The D - D.A.F
Sir Alice - Princess- EP No. 1 - Tigersushi
Caro Snatch- Laurie Anderson only an Expert Remix
Barbara Ess + Peggy Ahwesh - Thrum - Table of the Elements
Nika Breithaupt - Song of Tristesse - m.mlabel
Esther Venroy - Pitchpine/Alaskafir - Hout Roborec
Donna Neda - Baustein - He's a man remix - Greie Gut Fraktion - Rekonstruktion Baustelle Remix- Monika Enterprise
Birgit Uhler + Ute Wasserrmann - Stoff 2 - Creatin Source

12.8.2011 - Tracks

No. 2 - Xyramat - Yacikaa - finetunes
Hanna Hais - Kimayo - Atal Music
Pursuit Grooves - Peace Talks - Frantically Hopeful-Pinch
Signal Deluxe - Tulipan . Gardenia - Blaqrecords
Chix Unighted- Pressured - Shoes, Bags & Boys No. 12
Silvia Trix - Supersanos way - soundcloud
Lilian Hak - Rebel Outlaw Misfits - Remix: Matthew Herbert - soundcloud
AGF - Billing an Ocean - Greie Gut Fraktion - Rekonstruktion Baustelle Remix - Monika Enterprise

Every Nigh Mixe: Donna Neda, Cut Loose, DJ Mohak, Tokimonsta, Pursuit Grooves, Helena Hauff, Miss Sunshine, Carina Posse

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