Weblog von elektruzikkig

Arabisk' Begegng. m. Nationalsozialismus

https://d-nb.info/1151836672/34 - " Blind für die Geschichte?
Arabische Begegnungen mit dem Nationalsozialismus " from http://www.zmo.de/publikationen/zmo_studien.html

stonewall was a riot

https://untorellipress.noblogs.org/post/2013/03/12/street-transvestite-a... + https://janetmock.com/2015/08/14/stonewall-film-lgbt-history/ ". . Marsha P. Johnson
(" http://www.happybirthdaymarsha.com/ " )
, a black trans woman, threw the first brick . . others . . .
Sylvia Rivera, a Puerto Rican trans woman,
threw the first molotov cocktail

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