AUSFLÜGE zu Klub Katarakt Festival

AUSFLUG 130125 Klub Katarakt Festival
Temple Of Hope Saba Alizadeh (Nachtasyl)
I Double (2015) Pascale Criton
Pietà l‘è morta Silvia Tarozzi & Deborah Walker
Occam XX (Exc.) Radigue - Dedalus / Akama
Parallaxis Forma (Exc.) Niblock / Lamb Ensemble neoN
2019-2020-1 Svetlana Maraš
Muundumised / Transfigurations Kris Kuldkepp
Darkness Molly Joyce
Timeless Air (Exc.) Okapi
Intkom Gregory Büttner
WHIRLIGIG K10C-7 Nelly Boyd Ensemble

AUSFLUG 060125
Exploratory, Rhine Version, Looking for Daniel (Exc.) Phil Niblock, Modelo62 & Scordatura ensemble
One Large Rose I Phill Niblock
Harry Partch - On Hearing the Flute at Lo-cheng Trio Scordatura
Music for Viola Elisabeth Smalt
Plane Talea #32 (Exc.) Alessandro Bosetti
Portrait IV Alessandro Bosetti with Neue Vocalsolisten
Homage to Dick Raaijmakers (excerpt) Thomas Ankersmit
French Catalogues Brian Eno
An Ending (Ascent) (Remastered) Brian Eno
Told (Brian Eno Remix) Headie One & Fred again..


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