radio gagarin playlist vom 13.09.24

1. barnacles & vonneumann - david bowie, 10th of january 2016 - klanggalerie
2. barnacles & vonneumann - keith emerson, 10th of march 2016 - klanggalerie
3.innovative landscapes laboratory - obake trigger - sublime retreat
4. B°tong - a fine layer of dust - zoharum
5. robert rich & luca formentini - tidal precession - soundscape production
6. eprc - sometimes - bandcamp
7. eprc - an order - bandcamp
8. mazza vision - dynamic field - sub rosa
9. niton 11 - 2 tracks - pulver & asche
10. club of rome - medienlandschaft 5 - klanggalerie
11. jac berrocal, david fenech, vincent epplay - 2. track - cold spring
12. augmented atrocity - scratching through skin (removing things within) - aussaat
13. vasco trilla - air - thanatosis
14. loren connors & david grubbs - 3. track - room40
15. cranioclast - arctic salon, 3. lp, auszug - auf abwegen
16. gravelshard - gravel, auszug - phonogram unit

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