AUSFLUG 180324

...Started To Get InfectedPatric Catani (Hafenklang)
Cantaloupe Syphilis Gravy OTTO VON SCHIRACH (Hafenklang)
I'm Sorry Michelle Get Jealous (Molotow)
Ze Ma Yesh / זה מה יש Haze'evot (MS Stubnitz)
Wasteland Park+Riot (MS Stubnitz)
National Team Hotel Lux (Molotow)
Extreme Martellato Frauke Aulbert

> Freitag 22.3.24, Sprechwerk, 20.00, The Melodic Society - (Dis)harmonie der Klassen
Musiktheaterexperiment von Frauke Aulbert und Michiko Saiki

Drank vs. Drunk Cansu Tanrikulu
False Profits Amirtha Kidambi & Lea Bertucci
Peach Blossom Piotr Kurek
Badagada Pamela Z
Prosthetics Hannah Silva
Talking to Silence - Part 1 Hannah Silva
layers_of_can_do_mountain__ frauke_aulbert

> So., 24.3.24 11.00 Abaton Dieter Meier – Ein Zufall
Doku., Regisseur Peter Sempel

Oh Yeah Yello

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