radio gagarin playlist vom 08.03.24

1. Christian Zanési - Before the blast - Art Zoyd Studios
2. Margokis, Fiebig, Emerge - man folded reality - bandcamp
3. Molijebka Pvlse - Toporaphy of Frequency and Time, extract - Drone Records
4. Contrastate - Strasbourg 1928 - Drone Records
5. Phill Niblock - Biliana, extract - unsounds
6. Talst - Proximity - Winter-Lights
7. Marc Kellaway - Nocturnal Machine - bandcamp
8. Vidna Obmana - Encountering Terrain - Zoharum
9. Stian Westerhus, Maja S. K. Ratkje - The Gravedigger - bandcamp
10. Erika Angell - Dress Of Stillness - Constellation
11. Stuart Argabright + After After - 1. track - Room40
12. Lull - Underworlds - Cold Spring

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