AUSFLUG 251223/010124 100 Jahre Radio/War of the Worlds

War-of-the-Worlds-1938-Radio-Broadcast(Exc.) Orson Welles
Main Titles (Overture) Louis and Bebe Barron
Attention: Frogs! Peter Thomas Sound Orchester
Invasion? Peter Thomas Sound Orchester
The Flying Saucer Buchanan & Goodman
Flying Saucers Unlimited Side 2 Frank Stranges
I'm A Rocket Casper The Friendly Ghost
A Trip In A Rocket Down By The Station
The Unidentified Flying Object Perrey & Kingsley
The Little Man From Mars Perrey & Kingsley
Rockets in Ursa Major (excerpt 1) Daphne Oram
Battle With the Invisible Monster Louis and Bebe Barron
Rocket Spaceship Destination Jeff Mills
Earth Vs Flying Saucers The Residents
Parliament Of Aliens Part I Mouse on Mars
Aliens of our Own Making Man From Sol
Aliens Sami Baha


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