radio gagarin - altbewährtes und neuheiten im mix, playlist vom 08.12.23

1. gnod - bad apple - rocket
2. giuseppe lelasi & ekg - petach - bandcamp
3. pablo giw & mariel roberts - icide, caramband - bandcamp
4. sonologyst - slepper agent - cold spring
5. spunik o.s.t. - space - cold spring
6. gnawa music of marakesh - baba l´rouami - bandcamp
7. god body disconnect - the future from god - cyro chamber
8. god body disconnect - patient interview #8 - cyro chamber
9. grotta vetezrand - impermanence - bandcamp
10. haare - the silver-skinned emperor - bandcamp
11. haarvöl + xoán-xil lopez - the upcomming bygone of the here and now - bandcamp
12. hannibal chew iv - loros locos - bandcamp

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