Playlist - Doctore Xyramat - 10.11.2023

Xyramat – horch
Angles & Elle-Kari with Strings - Kalypso Hypnos Drone (excerpt)
The Allegorist - Whispers of the Wind (Die Wilde Jagd Rework)
Ah! Kosmos & Hainbach – Ghostcloud
Lila Tirando a Violeta & Sin Maldita - All Day I Hear the Noise of Waters
Zosia Holubowska - Klobuki – fragmentv
Christine Ott - Pluie d'arbres
Dobrawa Czocher – Dawn
Kate Carr - Unlikely to be heard
Yuko Araki - ‡Magnetar
Miki Yui – Hotaru
Hand To Earth - Mokuy

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