AUSFLUG 31.7.23 Spoken Word

ICU (feat. Nomi Ruiz) Cakes Da Killa (Vogelball)
Memory Box Temporal Fix
Machine Poem Olololop, Arakawa Atsushi and Zea
Work That Superficially Looks Like Leisure Ky
black joy Aja Monet
Mom's Birthday Two Dogs
Power Is The Pharmacy (Teeth) Ky
The Mamba feat. In Cerulean H-M O
Weightless Aperture
And then everything Emol, Jetzmann
Nachtschicht oliver peters, Jetzmann
Sur Mesure Anne-James Chaton/Andy Moor/YannisKyriakides
19 Euro Adjunct Ensemble
Bath Philosophers Dali Muru & The Polyphonic Swarm

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