AUSFLUG 240723 Das Your Guts Festival

Variation for klaver og viola da gamba Franciska & Emilie (Your Guts Festival)
Swimmingly Sissel Vera Pettersen & Randi Pontoppidan
Intervals #1(Jørgen Teller)Folkets All Out Choir
Boire une archive ladr ache (Your Guts Festival)
Fani-fani Ya-Tosiba (Your Guts Festival)
Solida Pieuvre (Your Guts Festival)
Flowers The Shna
Dove Li Ho Messi Brabrabra
00-29-10-02 - 03 00-03-30-00 Farida Amadou (Your Guts Festival) Travels Farida Amadou
Fragen der Philosophie (Völkerball) F.S.K.
Blaue Fäden Michaela Melian trio (Your Guts Festival)
Komm gib mir deine Hand F.S.K.


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