AUSFLUG 26.6.23 Für Peter Brötzmann, außerdem Konzerte (BEEK, Hafenklang, Knust)

Two Soldiers Bob Dylan
Machine Gun (2nd Take) Exc. Peter Brötzmann
This Won't End Well Uniform (Hafenklang)
The Killing of America Uniform
Prayer Last Exit (Brötzmann u.a.)
Consume (Instrumental) Polaris (Knust)
9 Andrea Neumann / Mads Emil Nielsen
Nam Ayaay Yaay Ayrus Rumpeln (BEEK)
elletsreuef excerpt Andrea Neumann (als Contagious BEEK)
This Word Love Brötzmann / Leigh
Locomotive Bill Laswell / Brötzmann, Peter
Black Bombaim & Peter Brotzmann, Pt. 5 Black Bombaim & Peter Brötzmann


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