AUSFLUG 19.6.23 High, lonesome Appalachian Style u.a.

The Dying Soldier Buell Kazee
Ahibak (feat. Safae Essafi) Dudu Tassa & Jonny Greenwood
Lhla Yzid Ikthar Dudu Tassa & Jonny Greenwood
Centurion Author & Punisher (Hafenklang)
Merkurius Gilded Imperial Triumphant (Hafenklang)
Le Palais Sophia Djebel Rose (Wohl oder Übel)
La Clairière Sophia Djebel Rose
As the Mask Begins to Slip Nuvolascura (Rote Flora)
I Am Schopenhauer Barabbas, du förtappade (Rote Flora)
Oh Yeah Built To Spill (Knust)
Plan Built To Spill
twelve Helgoland (Westwerk)
Nuke's Blues Georgia Anne Muldrow


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