AUSFLUG 080523 „8. Mai Mix“

AUSFLUG 080523 „8. Mai Mix“

End Of World War (Intro)
Jüdischer Todessang Rosebery d'Arguto
Das Glöckchen (entstanden 1941 im KZ Sachsenhausen), Aufnahme von 1968
Different Trains (Europe - During the War)Steve Reich (Kronos Quartet)
Hitler Song (Mr. Hitler) Lead Belly
Hitler And Hell The Reverend J.M. Gates
Der Fuehrer's Face Eugene Chadbourne
Whoopy Ti-Yi, Get Along, Mr. Hitler Woody Guthrie
Hitler Lives (feat. Michael Hurley) F.S.K.
We Are Soldiers in the Army Marc Ribot
Le Chant De La Libération (Le Chant Des Partisans)Yves Montand
Resistance Barzel
D-Day Nat King Cole
Hot Time In The Town Of Berlin Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters
When the Lights go on againVaughan Monroes Orchestra
Israel Is Her Name Jeannie Reynolds

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