AUSFLUG 3.4.23 und 10.4.23 Playlists

AUSFLUG 100423
Love Vigilantes New Order
I Spy Pulp
Stay Evil Black Ends (MS Stubnitz)
Missing Targets Rare Americans (Knust)
My Son Has Special Needs, But There's Nowhere For Him To Go                 The Good Ones
needless needs spitting nails
Peilen Ervin Omsk (MS Stubnitz)
Kill the sexist Pussy Riot
Asphyxiation Alert Gorovitz - Manela (MS Stubnitz)
muscle andarta (MS Stubnitz)
Paradise Is Mine Swans
Computerstaat Abwärts (Knust)
Millionen Abwärts

Di, 11.04.2023, 18 Uhr Von Nazis und anderen Sauereien - Die Geschichte des Verfassungsschutzes
 Referentin: Christiane Schneider, Hamburger Bündnis Gegen Rechts
Ort: AStA Uni Hamburg, VMP 5, Raum 0029

Mi. 12. April, Rote Flora, 19 Uhr:

Do. 13.4., Rote Flora, 20 Uhr
Antifeminismus - Reaktionäre und rechte Kämpfe gegen Liberalisierung und Emanzipation.
Rebekka Blum (Soziologin, femPI-Netzwerk)

AUSFLUG 030423
The Ministry of Defence PJ Harvey
Trench Container
schtzngrmm ernst jandl
Antisocial distancing Дым отечества (Black Square Punx Against War)
Snake Pit Новый Мир (feat Ksuha Acid)(Black Square Punx Against War)
Tod eines Bestatters Rocko Schamoni (Fabrik)
Die Mauer Studio Braun
Affe sucht Liebe Fraktus
Jazz is the musical expression of the triumph of the Negroes Spirit Angel Bat Dawid
The Negro experiences the endless daily humiliation of American life which bequeaths him a Futureless Future Angel Bat Dawid
Resilience Molly Joyce
Why White Folks Can't Call Me Nigga Tenesha The Wordsmith
Through Spirituals, through the Blues, then through Jazz we made a memory of our past and a promise of all to come Angel Bat Dawid
Saenghwang for King's Palace tonight Park Jiha | Roy Claire Potter
No Decent Shoes For Rain Dry Cleaning
carvers, farriers and knaves Big Brave (Goldener Salon)
Джон Малкович По улице бродит зверь (Black Square Punx Against War)
Loss Рубикон (Black Square Punx Against War)


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