AUSFLUG 9.1.23

12 Intrusions: No. 10, Soldiers - War - Another War Harry Partch
Dream Of The Fallen Soldier Crawling With Tarts
Murderous (Instrumental) Nitzer Ebb (Markthalle)
Work 01 Front 242 (Markthalle)
Promises Nitzer Ebb
Das ist alles von der Kunstfreiheit gedeckt Danger Dan (Elbphil)
Dandelion Florist (Hafenklang)
Star Gazing (Radio Edit) Emily A. Sprague
June 9th Nighttime Florist
S+C _ Miles AK Klosowski (Schaltzentrale)
The Pelican Sarah Davachi
Rote Flora_live Westwerk 2011 BoydElectroGitarrenOrchester


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