AUSFLUG 14.11.22 23 Uhr Kristof Schreuf, Konzerte ...

Alle Feind Kolossale Jugend
Smoke Brüllen
Search & Destroy Kristof Schreuf
Bowie (Not Quite For Strings) Fhunyue Gao | Sven Kacirek (Westwerk)
Weight Loss (Henry's Dream) Exek (Hafenklang)
Family Life Sham 69 (Hafenklang)
If The Kids Are United Sham 69
The Individual PVA (Molotow)
Cascades of Noise Melting Palms (MS Stubnitz)
Aykroyd Zahn (MS Stubnitz)
Der Säuger Eisenvater (MS Stubnitz abgesagt)
Ax & Spear Kilter (MS Stubnitz)
Force in the Third System (very short exc.)Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso UFO (MS Stubnitz)
I See Angels Tess Parks (Molotow)
Attitude Sepultura (Markhalle)

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