AUSFLUG 7.11.22

The Great War Taylor Swift
Massif Central Halma (MS Stubnitz)
Dirt Devils Halma
Chapter 6 Moritz Von Oswald Trio (Elbphil)
Koinos 2 Laurel Halo (Elbphil)
Insurance, Rent and Taxes Dion Lunadon (Hafenklang)
Death of a Sailor thisquietarmy (Stubnitz)
Be Patient Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp (Centro Sociale)
Mak Attack Makaya Mccraven (Kampnagel)
The Crutch Gil Scott-Heron, Makaya McCraven
3 for L Jeff Parker (Kampnagel)
Rocket No. 9 Sun Ra Arkestra (Elbphil)
Tirades of Hate and Fear Girls in Synthesis (Westwerk)

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