die ganze platte: Ilitch - PTM Works 2/Trace Label (heute, 02.08.22, 13-14 uhr)

Sie schreiben über ihre platte "This is the first time that Patrick and Thierry Müller have found themselves as a duo since the recording of the “Coma Programma Sessions 1976/77/78”.

This idea of working together again, after many separate musical adventures, comes from the discovery of a forgotten photo of their youth taken during a family vacation. Ambivalent memory of an adolescence which could lure you into a nostalgia for a lost paradise: the photography (and the others of the cover) shows two brothers in an ordinary and falsely happy reality glimpsed in a family photo album. But then, how many families can pretend to happiness?
Therefore the music presented in this album utterly contradicts this faked bliss: from the first track, dissonant sounds bring an assumed uneasiness, hell rather than inner paradise. The existence of two worried and tormented artists who have spent their life as composers trying to express this spleen or this existential distress. Further on, we hear the voice of Marcel Duchamp speaking about the unconscious. What a program! In another, breaths mixed with a synthetic sequence invade the sound space to the point of suffocation.
Musically, we alternate between rhythmic pieces punctuated with melodic elements and others more frankly abstract and which are not far from electroacoustic music. There are also many overlayed sounds that make one thinks of natural elements in a state of chaos..."
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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