Radio Gagarin Konzert am 27.06 im FSK

Ort: Fsk,Fabrique im Gängeviertel, Valentinskamp 34a (Zugang Speckstr.), 2. Stock

Wann: 27.06.2016, 20.00 uhr einlaß


Joshua better exemplifies the original free-folk impulse than any of his more celebrated contemporaries. And while he may not be doing four page fashion spreads in 'underground' style bibles, he remains one of *the* keepers of the flame"- David Keenan Wire Magazine/Volcanic Tongue

Amherst, MA based Joshua Burkett has been making music for over 20 years, as well asco- running the wondrous Mystra label. He's played in some of the east coast's most revered outer limits freak folk and underground rock units - Vermonster, Tower Recordings, Shrinnirs, Parrotprobe, Borb, Sunburned Hand Of The Man, Wormdoom, Tarp. And his solo albums are some of the richest, most intensely insular in the free-folk ouevre. these are a rare UK appearances


"Tony (Pasquarosa) creates a classic late night smoker soundtrack. A brilliant journey into and beyond ego, the blend of guitar, voice, bells, bamboo flute and whatnot will be transportational for even the straightest listeners. Cosmic Driftwood represents some of the deepest acoustic-based psych we’ve had the pleasure of hearing in a long while. It makes a lot of Tony’s contemporaries sound about as interesting as Smurph sing-alongs (no names), and is an instant classic... Get out your pipe and relax." Byron Coley

josh & tony(crystalline roses) are solo acoustic musicians
from the states with recordings on the Feather Ones Nest,
Mystra, VDSQ, Feeding Tube, & Golden Lab labels. Here are a
couple links and a few videos of live performances.

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