Radio Gagarin Playlist 22.1.16

Hier die Playlist vom Freitag, dem 22.1.16:
1. Stunde
1. warszawa, art decade, neuköln, v2 schneider by
david bowie
2. Heroes Remix bowie, glass, aphex twin
3. spore by brutum fulmen
4. abnormal restriction by jlin
5. she would die for love by Julee cruise
2. stunde
1. she would die for love by Julee cruise
2. a single man of war bymatana roberts
3. broom by joshua abrams
4. have you in my wilderness by julia holter
5. the return by heather leigh
6. ruit valley by conjoint
7. DAO by holly herndon
8. interlude by kendrick lamar
9. leuchtfeuer by graham lambkin + michael pisarro
10.twin radiant flux 7 + 8 by scott cortez
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