Solid Steel End Of Year Competition

Aus dem Solid Steel-Newsletter:

"Solid Steel end of year competition

Once again, as the year draws to a close, we get round to voting for the best mix on Solid Steel. However, this year it's different as we are looking for TWO votes from you.

The first vote, as usual, is for your favourite guest mix of 2008. In addition, as we finish celebrating 20 years of Solid Steel, we also want your vote for your favourite mix EVER, stating your reason why. This can be from any of the main contributors or one of the many guests. It may be from a time when you heard the show on Kiss FM, the BBC, on one of our syndicated stations around the world, online or from a recent podcast. However you heard it, we want to know why it's your favourite mix.

As this is such a huge task, we need to reward you and the kind folks at Serato are offering a full Serato system which includes SL1 box, controller records, software and all cables to get you DJing in the digital domain (as used by the Solid Steel team). We'll pick the winner based on your reason for choosing the mix.

You can use the list at to refresh your memory of the shows from the last 10 years, but you'll have to rely on your memory if you need to go back further. The end of year shows will be compiled from the prize winning mix and the mixes with the most votes.

10 Runners up will receive a the limited Solid Steel 20th Anniversary audio DVD, so make sure you include your name and address with your vote."

Mailt Eure Beiträge an solidsteel [at] ninjatune [dot] net!

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