radio gagarin - altbewährtes und neuheiten im mix, playlist am 08.09.23

1. ducan pinhas & yérri-gaspar hummel - aurora - lab´ut
2.asianova - harm moam, necon virgins - avalanche organisation
3. aetherium nebula - a dead god frozen for eternity - winter-light
4. sshe retina stimulants - omnipollo im stockholm, via barrel aged imperial stout - luce sia
5. joni void - tape - constellation
6. joni void - still life - constellation
7. primitive wings - fractal omen - satatuhatta
8. ingebrigt haker flaten & paal nilssen-love - 1. track - pnl records
9. small things on sundays - prozac - attenuation circuit
10. flocks - quicksand - zehra
11. jfk - pullulator - fourth dimension records
12. roel meelkop & das synthetische mischgewebe - viol,ence against the evidence, auszug - flag day recordings
13. tunnels of ah - to the paschal victim - zoharum
14. schneider tm - pluralität - karlrecords
15. hilde marie holsen - kambrium - pelun

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