die ganze platte: Ingar Zach - strumento di etimo incerto/Aspen Edities (Di, 06.06.2023, 13:00 Uhr)

Das label schreibt: "‘Strumento di etimo incerto’ is Ingar Zach’s eighth solo album, presenting his ever-continous research with his instruments and its vibrations.
Zach’s characteristic sound sources are vibrating speakers on a Gran Cassa, snaredrum and timpani, creating a strange world, consisting of rhythmic patternsand a huge variety in oscillations.
The musician proposes music of an uncertain nature: sending out impulses, leading to pulses. The sounds group and fall apart, sometimes abruptly, but always subtle. Addressing the listener with physical sensations, while their meaning is entirely constructed in the ear of the receiver. .,."
Kontakt: thomas [at] fsk-hh [dot] org

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