"Jazz oder nie": Shabaka Hutchings und Jeff Parker; Tracklist

1. Shabaka Hutchings: Ashram; ARE Project
2. Sun Ra Arkestra: Enlightment; Jazz in Silhouette
3. MA: We need two; The Last
4. Acoustic Ladyland: Ludwig van Ramone; Last Dance Disco
5. Chris McGregor Septet: Up to Earth; Up to earth
6. Shabaka and the Ancestors: Joyous; Wisdom of Elders
7. John Coltrane: Part IV: Psalm; A Love Supreme
8. Shabaka and the Ancestors: They who must die; We are sent here by
9. Sons of Kemet: Harriet Tubman; Your Queen is a reptile
10.The Melodians: The Rivers of Babylon; ?
11.Sons of Kemet: The Rivers of Babylon;
12.The Comet is coming: Journey through the....; Channel the spirits
13.The Comet ist coming: Time wave zero; Trust in the....
14.Makaya McCraven: Atlantic Black; Universal Beings
15.Tortoise: Four day interval; TNT

Jeff Parker fiel aus Zeitgründen weg, er ist dann Thema der nächsten Sendung

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